

Assist. Prof. Dr. Emrah Çoraman

e.mail: coraman@itu.edu.tr
web: http://web.itu.edu.tr/coraman 

Research interests:

Biyocoğrafya, moleküler ekoloji, akustik ekoloji, yarasalar, iklim değişikliği, popülasyon genetiği.


2020    Present, Assistant Professor, Dept. Ecology and Evolution, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, ITU  
2017-2020,    Post-doc researcher, Berlin Natural History Museum, Germany  
2017-2020,    Researcher, Martin-Luther University, Halle, Germany  
2014,    Ph.D., Boğaziçi University, Institute of Environmental Sciences  
2007,    M.Sc., Boğaziçi University, Institute of Environmental Sciences  
2004,    B.Sc., Boğaziçi University, Chemical Engineering  

Most important 5 publications:

Çoraman, E., Dietz, C., Hempel, E., Ghazaryan, A., Levin, E., Presetnik, P., Zagmajster, M., Mayer, F., (2019) Reticulate evolutionary history of a Western Palaearctic bat complex explained by multiple mtDNA introgressions in secondary contacts. Journal of Biogeography, 46, 343-354.

Çoraman, E., Furman, A., Karataş, A., Bilgin, R., (2013). Phylogeographic analysis of Anatolian bats highlights the importance of the region for preserving the Chiropteran mitochondrial genetic diversity in the Western Palaearctic. Conservation Genetics, 14, 1205–1216.

Furman, A., Postawa, T., Öztunç, T., Çoraman, E., (2010). Cryptic diversity of the bent-wing bat, Miniopterus schreibersii (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae), in Asia Minor. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10, 121.

Furman, A., Çelik, Y.E., Çoraman, E., (2018). Myotis myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) diverges into two distinct, Anatolian and European, populations. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 183,226–235.

Furman, A., Çoraman, E., Çelik, Y.E., Postawa, T., Bachanek, J., Ruedi, M., (2014). Cytonuclear discordance and the species status of Myotis myotis and Myotis blythii (Chiroptera). Zoologica Scripta, 43, 549–561.

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