

Prof. Dr. Kürşad Kadir Eriş

e.mail: erisku[at]itu.edu.tr
web: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kuersad_Eris

Research Interests:

My area of specialization is Marine Geology/Geophysics, and I am conducting studies on sedimentology, seismic stratigraphy and chronostratigraphy topics. I have been working on basin analysis of sedimentary environments together with seismic stratigraphy and chronostratigraphy on seismic reflection data of sea and lake floors. In addition, I have been working on the paleoceanographic and paleolimnologic evolution of the sea and lake realms by applying multi-parameter methods in the core sediment together with lithostatigraphy and lithofacies analysis of the sediment cores. I have undertaken various national and international scientific research expeditions carried out in the seas surrounding our country, and I have conducted some of them within the Eastern Mediterranean Oceanography and Limnology Application and Research Center.


2020 – Profesor, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, Istanbul Technical University (ITU)
2018 – Profesor, Coordinator of Eastern Mediterranean Oceanography and Limnology Research Center (EMCOL)
2014 – 2020 Assoc Prof., Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Mines, Geology Engineering Department
2010 – 2014 Assoc Prof., Fırat University Geology Engineering Department
2009 – 2010. Post-Doc researcher, Savoie University (Chambery), Fransa
2007 – 2009 Dr.Assistant, Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Mines, Geology Engineering Department
2002 – 2007 PhD, Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Mines, Geology Engineering Department
1999 – 2001 MSc, Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Mines, Geology Engineering Department
1991 – 1995 BSc, Fırat University Geology Engineering Department

Most important 5 publications:

Eriş, K. K., Arslan, T. N., & Sabuncu, A. 2017. Influences of Climate and Tectonic on the Middle to Late Holocene Deltaic Sedimentation in Lake Hazar, Eastern Turkey. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 43 (7), 3685–3697.

Eriş, K. K., Ön, S. A., Çağatay, M. N., Ülgen, U. B., Ön, Z. B., Gürocak, Z., Arslan, T.N., Bal Akkoca, D., Damcı, E., İnceöz, M., Okan, Ö.Ö.2018. Late Pleistocene to Holocene Paleoenvironmental Evolution of Lake Hazar, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Quaternary International, 486, 4-16.

Çağatay,M.N., Eriş, K.K., Makaroğlu, Ö., Yakuboğlu, N., Henry, P., Leroy,S., Uçarkuş, G., Sakınç, M., Yalamaz, B., Bozyiğit, C., Kende, J. The Sea of Marmara during Marine Isotope Stages 5 and 6. Quaternary Science Reviews, Quaternary Science Reviews, 220, 124-141.

Eriş, K.K., Sabuncu, A., Gasperini, L., Polonia, A., Kındap, T. 2019. Influence of climate on the late Pleistocene depositional history of the Gulf of Gemlik (Sea of Marmara). Geo-Marine Letters, 39, Issue3, 205-221.

Yakupoğlu, N., Uçarkuş, G., Eriş, K.K., Henry, P., Çağatay, M.N. Sedimentological and geochemical evidence for seismoturbidite generation in the Kumburgaz Basin, Sea of Marmara: Implications for earthquake recurrence along the Central High Segment of the North Anatolian Fault. Sedimentary Geology, 380, 31-44.

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