Araştırma Görevlileri


Res. Asst. Denizhan Güven

e.mail: guvende [at]
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İlgi Alanları:

During my graduate studies, I worked on renewable energy sources, energy storage systems and climate change. In this context, I participated in many national and international project application and project management processes. I am currently working on the triangle of climate change, renewable energy and economy, considering global warming, energy demand forecast and emission quantity estimation. In my master's thesis, I analyzed the amount of energy saved and CO2 emission reduction, due to the use of renewable energy sources instead of fossil fuel, in a micro grid with energy storage system and solar panel.


2019- , Research Assistant, Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
2016-2019, MSc., Istanbul Technical University, Energy Institute
2007-2013, BSc., Istanbul Technical University, Shipbuilding and Ocean Engineering


Guven, D., Kayalica, M.O., Kayakutlu, G., 2018. Use of Repurposed eV Batteries in the Service Sector: A Smart Facility Application (Verimliliği Düşmüş Bataryaların Hizmet Sektöründe Kullanımı: Akıllı Tesis Uygulaması). Efil Journal, 1(3), pp. 58-71.


2017-2018, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Game for a Metropolis (CAMAPOLI), European Union Project
2018- , Çocuklar Suyu Kodluyor!H2Okullu oldu, Istanbul Development Agecy Project