Research Assistants


Res. Asst. Emir Toker

e.mail: tokerem [at]
phone: +90 530 732 20 37
researchgate link:

Research Interests:

During my master's degree, I focused on the formation and processes of extreme weather events. In the meantime, I gained experience in the hail event. In my master thesis, I simulated a hail event using the atmosphere model and analyzed the model output and the observation data to investigate the hail event. I am interested in the climatic processes, atmosphere-ocean interaction, geophysical fluids dynamics and global earth system modeling. In addition, within courses which I took when during my Ph.D., I took part in some individual and collective studies about mathematical processes and parameterization of convective movements, hydrological modeling and its calibration.


2019- current Research Assistant, Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
2018- current, PhD., Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
2016-2018, M.Sc., Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
2009-2015, Bs., Istanbul Technical University, Meteorological Engineering

Papers, Presentations, and Trainings:

Toker, E., Ezber, Y., Sen, O.L., 2020. Numerical simulation and sensitivity study of a severe hailstorm over Istanbul. Atmospheric Research,

Toker, E., Ilıcak, M., Ezber, Y., Şen, Ö.L., 2020. Evaluation of the Community Earth System Model (CSM) Performance in Simulating Sea Surface Temperature of the Mediterranean Sea. 9th Quaternary Symposium of Turkey – TURQUA 2020, October 20-23, 2020, Istanbul, Turkey. 

9 - 12 March 2020, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Advanced numerical methods for Earth system modelling, Distant Training, Reading, UK. 

Toker, E., Lütfi, Ö. S ̧., Ezber, Y., 2019. WRF Simulation Performance of the 27 July 2017 Hail Event Over Istanbul. 9th International Symposium on Atmospheric Sciences – ATMOS 2019, October 23-26, 2019 Istanbul, Turkey (ss. 456-463).

Toker, E., Lütfi, Ö. S ̧., Ezber, Y., 2019. WRF Simulation Performance of the 27 July 2017 Hail Event Over Istanbul. 9th International Symposium on Atmospheric Sciences – ATMOS 2019, October 23-26, 2019 Istanbul, Turkey

Demirel, M.C., Özen, A., Orta, S., Toker, E., Demir, H.K., Ekmekcioğlu, Ö., Tayşi, H., Eruçar, S., Sağ, A.B., Sarı, Ö., Tuncer, E., Hancı, H., Özcan, T.İ., Erdem, H., Koşucu, M.M., Başakın, E.E., Ahmed, K., Anwar, A., Avcuoğlu, M.B., Vanlı, Ö., Stisen, S., Booij, M.J., 2019. Additional Value of Using Satellite-Based Soil Moisture and Two Sources of Groundwater Data for Hydrological Model Calibration. Water, 11(10), 2083,

23 - 27 April 2018, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Parametrization of Subgrid Physical Processes, Training, Reading, UK.

30 Apr - 4 May 2018, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Predictability and ensemble forecast systems, Training, Reading, UK.

Toker, E., Lütfi, Ö. S ̧., Ezber, Y., 2018. Performance of WRF in Simulating the Hail Event over Istanbul on 27 July 2017. Scientific Congress of The Turkish National Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (TUJJBBK), May 30 - June 2, 2018 Izmir, Turkey.

Toker, E., Lütfi, Ö. S ̧., Ezber, Y., 2018. Performance of WRF in Simulating the Hail Event over Istanbul on 27 July 2017. Quaternary Symposium of Turkey (TURQUA), May 2-5, 2018 Istanbul, Turkey.

Toker, E., Lütfi, Ö. S ̧., Ezber, Y., 2018. Performance of WRF in Simulating the Hail Event over Istanbul on 27 July 2017. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), April 8-13, 2018 Vienna, Austria.