Research Assistants


Res. Asst. Ezgi Akyüz

e.mail: akyuzezg [at]
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Research interests:

During my master’s degree, I was interested in mainly air pollution and remote sensing. I have completed my master’s degree with a thesis I made to determine the contribution of coal-fired power plants to air pollution. Within the scope of this study, I examined the effect of varying meteorological conditions on air quality with different scenarios using a dispersion model. During my PhD, I am more interested in atmospheric chemistry and climate change.


2019- , Research Assistant, Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
2019- , PhD., Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
2018-2019, Research Assistant, Yildiz Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering
2015-2018, M.Sc., Istanbul Technical University, Environmental Sciences and Engineering Program
2011-2015,BSc., Istanbul Technical University, Environmental Engineering


Akyuz, E., & Kaynak, B. (2019). Use of dispersion model and satellite SO2 retrievals for environmental impact assessment of coal-fired power plants. Science of The Total Environment.

Yukhimets, A., Kuzu, S. L., Akyüz, E., & Saral, A. (2019). Investigation of geospatial distribution of PAH compounds in soil phase and determination of soil–air exchange direction in a megacity. Environmental geochemistry and health, 1-14.

Other publications


Akyüz E., Kaynak B., “Kömür Yakıtlı Termik Santraller, Hava Kirliliği Ve İklim Değişikliği İlişkisi”, İstanbul İklim Değişikliği Sempozyumu, İSTANBUL, TÜRKİYE, 11 – 12 Aralık 2018.

Akyüz E., Saral A., Kuzu S.L., Kistaubayeva A., "OCP Concentration Levels and Soil-Air Exchange for the Urban and Rural Sites in Istanbul", International Agriculture, Environment and Health Congress, AYDIN, TÜRKIYE, 26 Ekim - 28 Aralık 2018, pp.1427-1438.

Akyüz E., Kaynak B. , "Çanakkale’de Kurulması Planlanan Kömür Yakıtlı Termik Santrallerin Hava Kirliliğine Katkısının Belirlenmesi", VII. Ulusal Hava Kirliliği & Kontrolü Sempozyumu, ANTALYA, TÜRKIYE, 1-3 Kasım 2017, ss.450-465.