Research Assistants


Res. Asst. Dr. Yasemin Ezber

e.mail: ezber [at]
phone: +90 212 285 61 08
researchgate link:

Research interests:

I focused on meso-scale circulations such as, urban heat island, sea-land breezes, during my PhD research. Especially, I investigated urban heat island effects and sea breeze interactions in Istanbul using meso-scale atmospheric model. I have been also working on environmental effect of meso-scale circulations.
Effects of low Level Jet and short-term wind forecast for wind farms using atmospheric models are my ongoing research studies. Recently, I am working on NSF project which is about investigation of effects of land-use changes on climate change.


2002- current Research Assistant, Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
2006-2008 Researcher, Atmospheric Hazard Modeling Laboratory, George Mason University, USA
2003-2009, PhD., Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
2000-2003, M.Sc., Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
1997-2003,BSc., Istanbul Technical University, Meteorological Engineering
1995-1997, Associate Degree, İstanbul University, Control Systems and Technology

Most important publications:

Ezber Y. , O. L. Sen, Z. Boybeyi and M. Karaca:Investigation of local flow features in Istanbul. Part II: high-resolution real case simulations,Int. Journal of Climatology (accepted).

Ezber Y. , O. L. Sen, Z. Boybeyi and M. Karaca:Investigation of local flow features in Istanbul. Part I: high-resolution sensitivity simulations,Int. Journal of Climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc.4248.

Cervone G., P. Franzese , Y. Ezber, and Z. Boybeyi: Risk assessment of atmospheric emissions using machine learning, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 991-1000, 2008.

Ezber Y., Sen, Ö.L., Kındap,, T.,, Karaca, M..: Climatic effects of urbanization in Istanbul: A statistical and modeling analysis. International Journal of Climatology,Volume 27, April 2007.

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